
This summer venture out of the routine of everyday life and dare to be adventurous! UNH's summer and vacation camps offer many extraordinary opportunities for grades 1 to 9.

Camp Wildcat

Campers will have a chance to explore nature and the environment, participate in sports, learn new skills and crafts, make new friends, and have fun while being active this summer!  If interested in joining the Youth Programs email list for upcoming programs, etc - contact

Camp Wildcat

children playing soccer on UNH field

Teen Camp Wildcat

 Teen Camp, an extension of Camp Wildcat, promotes growth and development for the campers while providing a fun and adventurous environment outside of a typical Camp Wildcat day.  Teens will get the chance to explore our UNH campus, eat at Holloway Commons dining hall once a week, go on hikes, travel to beaches, paddleboard at Mendums Pond, visit amusement parks, and much more!!- contact

teen camp Wildcat

Teen Camp

Sailing Camp

The primary aim of the University of New Hampshire Community Sailing Centre Program is to have fun on the water, make new friends, build self confidence all the while teaching skills that are at once gratifying and enjoyed over a lifetime.

UNH Community Sailing Centre Program

UNH sailing camp

Wildcat Vacation Camp

Wildcat Vacation Camp is an action-packed week of sports, arts & crafts, free swim, hobbies and adventure activities! These sessions are for children currently enrolled in grades 1-6. 

Wildcat Vacation Camp Information

Children in gym